Application Registration Number: 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000085587
Date of implementation: 1 November 2022 – 31 October 2025
Beneficiary: Centrum podpory transformace, o.p.s., Czechia
Project partners:
– Inclusion Europe, Belgium
– Fundatia de Abilitare Speranta, Romania
– Social Work Advisory Board, Slovakia
– Lietuvos sutrikusio intelekto zmoniu globos bendria „Viltis”, Lithuania
The main objective is to create a comprehensive training programme focused on the management of Deinstitutionalisation (DI) that will reflect current trends in social care across Europe.
Specific objectives of the project:
1) To create an international platform focused on the management of the DI process and on the exchange and transfer of experience in the field of DI.
2) To develop methodological guidelines on the management of the DI process.
3) To develop a training programme on DI management.
1) Establish a DI platform as a venue for the exchange and transfer of best practices related to DI.
2) Create a DI Management Manual, i.e. comprehensive methodological guidelines for managing the DI process.
3) Preparation of a training programme for DI management, including training for future trainers of the programme.
4) Pilot testing of the training of trainers and the DI management training programme itself.
5) Evaluation and finalization of the DI management and training manual.